Conference Room 3 (Ned B Chase Jr, MD)

Library Branch

Joplin Public Library

Located on the east end of the lobby, the room has a glass wall overlooking the Adult Resource area and a window wall to the north overlooking the outdoor classroom. 

This room is made available free of charge for use by non-profit organizations, government agencies, and groups engaging in educational, cultural, intellectual, or charitable activities. The space may be rented by for-profit organizations or businesses for private use at a rate of $50 for up to 4 hours or $100 for 4-8 hours.


Media includes a large mounted video monitor, Air Media and HDMI wall connection.


The room contains one rectangular table with a seating capacity of 8-14.

On narrow displays, the weekly room calendar is wider than the screen. You can side-scroll within this table to view room availability for the whole week.

Sun - 6/22

Mon - 6/23

Tue - 6/24

Wed - 6/25

Thu - 6/26

Fri - 6/27

Sat - 6/28